Can I Put Scissors In Checked Luggage? Read Here!

Are Scissors Okay To Pack In Your Checked Luggage?

Figuring out which items you can and cannot pack in your luggage can be a headache, and the last thing you want is your bag to be delayed at security due to a manual inspection, but what about scissors? Are they okay to pack in checked luggage? 

Scissors can be packed in checked luggage without any restrictions but you should always make sure that your scissors are kept in a case or safety pouch to avoid hurting TSA officers if they inspect your bag. 

We've put together a short guide below which will take you through if you can put scissors in your hand luggage, which items you can't take in your checked luggage and if you can take other accessories like tweezers in your bag. 

How Should I Pack Scissors In My Checked Luggage? 

If you are planning to carry scissors in your checked luggage, you can do so without any restrictions but we also recommend carrying them in a safety box to avoid hurting anyone if they have to inspect your luggage. 

Packing scissors should be done with care to avoid them making holes in your luggage due to their sharp points from the blade. 

Can I Take Scissors In My Hand Luggage?

When it comes to packing scissors in your hand luggage more rules and restrictions apply, you can happily take scissors in your hand luggage but they must be under 4 inches in size from the pivot of the blade.

Any scissors with a blade longer than 4 inches will need to go in your checked luggage and be wrapped safely since they are classed as a weapon.

Can I Pack Tweezers & Nail Cutters In My Luggage?

Tweezers and nail cutters can both be packed in your carry-on baggage and checked luggage without any restrictions. You might need to remove them from your carry-on bag when they pass through the security checkpoint, however. 

You can also pack the following accessories in your carry-on bag - 

  • Knitting needles.
  • Crochet hooks.
  • Bottle opener.
  • Sewing needles.
  • Corkscrew.

Moreover, you can also bring nail polish remover and nail files on the plane but keep in mind all the TSA rules.

What Other Items Can I Not Pack In My Checked Luggage?

Since scissors and other sharp objects are fine to pack in your checked luggage, you might be wondering what isn't okay to pack in your main suitcase so that you can avoid delays when traveling. 

We've listed items to avoid packing in your checked bag below. 

  • Spare lithium-ion and lithium-metal batteries - Spare lithium-ion batteries must be packed in your hand luggage rather than your checked luggage, electronics with lithium batteries inside are fine to pack in your bag.
  • Strike-anywhere matches - Strike anywhere matchboxes are not allowed in checked luggage, one box is allowed in your hand luggage, and electronic lighters are also not allowed in your suitcase.
  • Vaping devices - Vaping devices and electronic cigarettes are not allowed inside of your checked bag and must be carried within your hand luggage, you are allowed to carry one device per hand luggage.
  • Flammable items - Firearm-related items and flammables are not allowed in your checked bag, items like gun powder and flares are prohibited and so are some aerosols. 
  • Medication - Medication under 3.4 ounces should always be packed in the personal item you bring on the plane, this is in case your luggage gets delayed before coming or you have lost baggage.
  • Alcohol over 140% proof - Alcohol over 140% proof is not allowed in carry on or checked baggage and will be removed as a flammable.

Last Words 

To conclude, scissors are fine to pack in checked luggage but should be wrapped in a safety sleeve to stop the sharp edges from piercing your bag or hurting TSA officers when they search your bag. 

Scissors are also allowed in your carry on bag but must be under 4 inches from the pivot, any longer than they have to be packed in your checked suitcase since they could be classed as a weapon.

About this Guide

Written By Alex
Last Updated On October 20, 2022
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