Can You Bring Eye Drops On A Plane? Find Out Here!

Are Eye Drops Allowed On A Plane?

As long as your eye drops are approved for travel, you should be fine bringing them onto a plane. There are certain regulations regarding liquids in carry-on bags, however. Some airlines require passengers to declare any medications or liquids that exceed 3 ounces.

Others require passengers to declare any prescription drugs. So to sum up, yes you can carry an eyedrop on a plane without showing a medical certificate.

For those who are concerned about being caught carrying illegal substances, there are several alternatives to bring eye drops on board. One option is to buy pre-packaged eyedrops at your destination airport.

Another option is to purchase generic versions of common brands of eye drops online.

These options may cost less than buying regular brand-name eye drops, and they won't trigger TSA security alerts.

Another alternative is to pack your own eyedrops in a resealable plastic baggie. But keep in mind that TSA officers might not approve of that approach.

So if you decide to pack your own, try to find a solution that doesn't involve large quantities of water.

Also, avoid packing dry eyedrops, which may cause irritation if they come into contact with the eyes during flight. 

How Do You Carry Eye Drops When Traveling?

Travelling is stressful enough without worrying about whether you can bring eye drops with you.

Thankfully, there are plenty of options available if you need to carry medication or a bottle of cleaning solution, but you must make sure that you are carrying a leak-proof container with you during travel.

There are several methods that you can use to keep your eyes healthy when travelling.

Some medications require refrigeration, so you'll need to pack those items separately. Other medications can be taken orally, either through pills or liquids.

If you prefer liquid forms, you may be able to find eye drops at pharmacies or drugstores in your destination country.

Eye drops should not be stored in the same container as any other medications, however. Store them in separate containers or bags until you reach your final destination. Don't forget to label your bottles clearly, so you won't accidentally mix them up.

Keeping Eye Drops Cool While Traveling

Most airlines allow passengers to bring liquids onto flights. However, there are certain restrictions and regulations that must be followed. One of those is keeping eye drops cool during travel.

Eye drops should never be stored at temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If you forget to pack your eye drops in a cooler bag, you can place them in a zip-lock baggie or plastic sandwich bag.

Also, make sure to keep your eyes closed while travelling if you're using any kind of eye drop solution. Doing this will prevent you from getting sick!

Is It Safe to Fly With Glaucoma?

Flying with glaucoma isn't necessarily unsafe if you have controlled your condition well enough prior to departure. However, there are certain risks associated with flying.

The biggest risk is dehydration. Dry eyes can occur during flights due to a lack of moisture in the air.

This can lead to irritation, burning and discomfort. Other symptoms include blurred vision and sensitivity to light. These side effects will only worsen with time.

You may also experience increased eye pressure. While this doesn't happen very frequently, it does happen. If you do notice any changes in your eyes, you should contact your doctor right away. He/she can advise you on whether you should travel at all.

There are several precautions you can take to avoid problems with your eyes. First off, keep your eyes hydrated throughout the entire flight.

Avoid wearing sunglasses, especially ones with UV filters. Wear goggles instead. Also, don't smoke, drink alcohol or eat spicy foods.

These activities dehydrate your body and can affect your eyes. Lastly, try to avoid using contacts or glasses while flying. This will reduce the chances of developing dry eyes. 

Do You Need to Refrigerate Latanoprost?

Glaucoma is a condition where the pressure inside the eyeball increases and damages the optic nerves. As a result, your eyesight becomes blurry or completely gone. Thankfully, there are treatments available to stop the progression of the disease.

One treatment option is to use eye drops every day. However, if you fly frequently, you might wonder whether it's safe to bring eye drops on board. Let me tell you - it is absolutely fine!

There are two types of eye drops used to treat glaucoma. Primary open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma.

It occurs when fluid builds up behind the lens of the eye and causes increased pressure. Secondary glaucoma occurs when the natural drainage system of the eye doesn't work properly.

Primary open-angle glaucoma is treated using beta blockers and alpha agonists. These medications decrease the production of fluid and lower intraocular pressure.

Beta-blockers are usually prescribed to patients who experience sudden changes in their blood pressure. Alpha agonist medications are usually prescribed to patients whose intraocular pressure stays high despite the use of beta blockers.

Secondary glaucoma is treated by lowering the pressure within the eye. There are different kinds of glaucoma surgeries that can reduce the pressure in the eye. These surgeries include trabeculectomy, cyclophotocoagulation, and laser surgery.

You can have a travel-size bottle with you to keep yourself hydrated, and to keep your drops in the container.

Can Contact Solution Be Brought on a Plane?

You may not realize it, but you can bring eye drops on a plane without any issues. Contact solution falls under the TSA's definition of medical liquids, meaning you can bring it on board with no problems.

All you need to do is declare it at the airport checkpoint. You don't have to put your bottle of solution into a baggie, just state the liquid as 'contact solution'. Once there, you'll be able to carry on with your regular luggage.

Contact Lens Solution TSA Rules

There are certain rules regarding Contact Lens Solutions that travellers should keep in mind. First off, it's okay to bring eye drops on a plane if they are not a prescription medication.

However, there are specific rules regarding the volume and types of liquid that can be brought aboard.

You may only bring 3.4 ounces of liquid onto a flight at any given time. If you exceed this limit, you'll need to declare it to the security officer. Some airlines charge extra for bringing larger amounts of liquids onboard.

What to Bring on Your Trip

For travelling, you must carry the following items with you;

Contact Solution

Contact lenses are not prescription drugs. However, if you wear contacts regularly, you'll definitely want to bring along contact lens solutions.

Contact lens solution is used to clean and disinfect your contacts. It's also used to rinse off any residual oil that may remain after inserting your contacts.

Rewetting Drops

If your lenses are becoming uncomfortable due to being too moist, then you should consider rewetting them. The easiest way to rewet your lenses is to soak them in a warm saline solution.

Saline solution is usually found in the medicine cabinet next to the sink. Simply pour 1 part saline solution into 4 parts tap water.

Put your lenses in the bowl and let them sit until they become fully saturated. Then rinse them thoroughly with fresh water.

Storage Case

You must have a storage case with you for travelling to keep all your liquid drops items together, in case of emergency you can take on and take off your lens wherever you want it.

About this Guide

Written By sunny
Last Updated On November 18, 2022
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